Education Program
The District's Education Program was established with the goal of teaching District wide school children the importance of water conservation and preservation. The program is a one hour long PowerPoint presentation illustrating basic aquifer facts and groundwater information, as well as a demonstration of a groundwater flow model. We offer an "edible" aquifer as a fun way of showing the aquifers and how they work as well.
Schools and other civic groups interested in having a presentation from the District should contact the District office (see the contact us tab).
Major Rivers and his horse Aquifer will make learning all about water in Texas irresistibly fun. Major Rivers is a water education curriculum designed to teach students about Texas' major water resources, how water is treated and delivered to their homes and schools, how to care for their water resources, and how to use them wisely. The program's host, Major Rivers (named for the major rivers of Texas), and his horse Aquifer cover these topics in eight lessons that include a variety of activities in science, math, language arts, social studies and other subjects.
The FCGCD provides this program to all the schools in Fayette County.
The District conducts regular sampling of monitoring wells throughout the district to detect changes in water quality and aquifer contamination. Every year in October, the District along with the AgriLife Extension office holds a water sampling event that allows you to test your wells at a reduced cost. Kits to test your water well are available at the AgriLife Extension office.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a guide for homeowners entitled Drinking Water from Household Wells, this booklet helps answer the most frequently asked questions. It also describes problems to look for and offers maintenance suggestions.
Abandoned wells can pose a health threat to you and your neighbors. If abandoned wells have not been plugged or capped, they provide a direct conduit for contaminated water to get into the aquifer. Also, if the holes are left open children and animals can fall into the wells. We urge all landowners to identify abandoned wells on their property and report them to the District. State law requires that any well open or uncovered at land surface be closed or capped.
When plugging and abandoned well, owners must meet the requirements of the Texas Water Well Drillers Rules, and fill out a state plugging report. The well must have all pumps, piping, and obstructing materials removed, and be disinfected before it is sealed. This booklet Landowners Guide to Plugging Abandoned Water Wells discusses why and how to plug an abandoned well.
The District will contribute up to half (50%) of the cost of capping or plugging of the open or uncovered, deteriorated, or abandoned well not to exceed $300 per well, provided the well owner can supply sufficent written evidence (receipts) of payment of those expenses.
The FCGCD established a network of voluntary well owners who allow us to perform semi-annual water level measurements on a network of wells throughout the District to determine aquifer changes for the purpose of science, data collection and planning. If you would like to have your well considered for the network please contact the District via the Contact Us page.